5 Steps to help your business work towards Net-Zero 2050

Sustainability in the workplace is much more than using energy-saving bulbs and recycling - it is a holistic approach to creating a general sense of wellbeing in a workplace that cares for both the people and the environment. 

Try Local Ethical Brands

Transport and energy costs are reduced considerably when you buy locally made products will decrease production costs and you will support companies with similar ethos to your own. Buy from businesses that are taking action on climate change.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

Create a recycling culture within your team and if possible, give them team tasks to help recycling in the office, i.e collecting used batteries, making sure food waste is kept to a minimum. Use products that cut down on waste around the work space. 

Tell your staff, customer and supply chain about your actions

Concern about climate change is growing, but many people don’t know what to do. Explaining what you are doing might even help attract new customers and staff too! Add an environmental policy statement to you website that lists your main environmental impacts and avoid greenwashing. 

Share Ideas

Staff are best placed to spot ways to save energy or reduce waste. Encourage your employees to share their ideas about how to save energy in the office and cut down waste in the local community. This will attract more socially-enagaged customers. 

Calculate your Business Carbon Footprint

Use this to set target for improvement, use an SME Carbon Footprint Calculator from the Carbon Trust.

Sarah Jones, Founder, BSc(hons), MSc

Sarah, the driving force behind Henley Naturals, birthed the brand from a desire to nurture her own family. As an Aromatherapist, Nurse, and Reiki practitioner, she intricately blends her knowledge to craft holistic well-being products that elevate everyday home life. Armed with an MSc in Advanced Nursing Practice, she cultivates connections that foster harmony and self-care for elevated personal and family wellness. Amidst her bustling family life, she hones her eco-luxury creations, leaving a positive environmental footprint and spreading happiness and relaxation.


Contributing to a sustainable future by harnessing the power of natural botanical resources


Bringing wellness to your workspace whilst also making a positive impact on our environment